Can You Dig It…?

Occasionally we get times where we should enjoy ourselves more than we allow ourselves to. We set constraints upon ourselves, which effectively hold ourselves back. It can be financial, it can be time, it can be a number of things, and a number more that really don’t matter. The problem is we are stopping ourselves from realising our potential in a moment.

What if you could enjoy yourself every day?

What if you could embrace yourself in this thing called life and realise just how amazing life is because you are in it?

The truth is, we need to get better at letting ourselves do just that. We need to break down these nonsense barriers we erect in our minds and instead focus that energy into enjoying life for all the good, bad and indifferent days we have yet to come. But, if we are putting ourselves out there to embrace it and to enjoy every day with a smile upon our faces, then by design we’ve already made it better. Not just for ourselves, but for everyone we will encounter too.

What if your smile brought a sense of warmth, hope and happiness to someone just because you are being you.

You see, when we allow ourselves to be happy, we allow ourselves to be free. Imagine the peace and love mindset of the sixties. It was about freedom of the mind and of the soul. It may be sixty years later, but we can still give that gift to ourselves – if we let it.

Can you dig it..?

Happy Damn Friday! x

I’d love to hear from you – you can reach me on:

@happydamnfriday on Twitter

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